Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More IM Entertainment

So here at my new Dunder Mifflin... I encountered a friend that I already have on the outside.  Nice to have that.  We were conversing the other morning.  She's great.

Nicole            how you feelin today hon
Marie            Hey Nicole...I just came back from the nurse...
Marie            Im feeling a little better, gonna try the meds she prescribed
Nicole            sorry you've been sick  :(
Marie            Thanks...its ok though.  Think I sound worse than i actually feel
Marie            how are you
Nicole            Pretty good.  Wanted to  tell you about Ruth this morning... she was goin OFF about these women who are Sec 8 and unemployed, sitting at home all day while she works hard every day... it was hilarious but she was SERIOUS girl... droppin F bombs and everything!  When she wound it up I said, I don't know whether to run and hide or bow my head for the altar call!!  That is one crazy lady.  :)
Marie            LOL!!!  That is too funny.  Ruth is hilarious. I can imagine her going off about a subject like that. Its near and dear to a lot of folks.  Girl prayer and fasting....Im thinking that might be the best way to go
Nicole            Right on  :) 
Marie            so I see you had a good time relaxing in your new place on yesterday
Nicole            Oh I love it.  Now comes unpacking the boxes and finding places for everything.  I went from a tiny trailer, to a bedroom at Julia and Kathy's, to a house with lots of rooms so it kind of makes me blink a lot haha
Marie            Itsn't it AWESOME though!!!  Trust me, Ive done (something close to that) a couple of times....Ive learned to just get stuff out of the boxes and placed "somewhere" and as I feel my place out I just switch it around.  You're gonna have fun with this.  Did you get your animals back?
Nicole            Brought my dog with me last night, get my cats this weekend.  SOO glad. 
Marie            LOL....yes indeed!  People and their pets.  I know you will be happy to have them home
Nicole            Yes.  Lord Antoinette my mother came over last night and verbally freaked our over every gap in my window blinds where people could look in and see me... you name it... good grief.  It's not Country Club of LA but my neighbors all seem friendly.  She even asked if I was old enough to know not to just open the door when anyone knocks on it.  Really???  I've been living on my own HOW long?  heh... No matter where I live, she worries.  I guess that's just her being a mom.
Marie            Hahaha...that is funny!  She just loves ya. Does she live in Baton Rouge? I tell you Nicole, its wonderful that your mom worries about you like that.  My mom hasn't questioned my decisions or offered advice or told me what to do since I was 14.  And even then it was just a one liner..."You better not be doing no serious kissing".....that was it. So consider yourself lucky.  And don't be opening that door for strangers....LOL
Nicole            You have my solemn word.  :)  And you better not be doing no serious kissing either, young lady
Marie            HAHAHAHA!!!! uummmhhh, yes ma'am (*glancing to the side)
Nicole            'least not with no boys
Marie            HAHAHAHA!!!! Well you have my absolute solemn word on that one!
Nicole            Yes indeed  haha
Nicole            Ruth wants to know who is selling Saints wreaths at the tower
Nicole            She has requested that you email her with all information pertaining per to which.  heh...
Marie            LOL...what in the world??  I haven't heard anything about that.  Was it on employee communications?  I can ask around
Nicole            She just came by and asked me to ask you.  Said someone was selling them and she saw a cell phone pic.  Sorry just tryin to toss around some legalese  :)
Marie            Tee hee did well and should therefore, heretofore speak as such
Nicole            Whereas I agree
Marie            and thus shall
Nicole            I am laughing so hard.  We have to put on the brakes with this for a minute LOL
Marie            girl i need to be working too.....I'll talk to you later
Nicole            k  :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Office Space

Though my workplace has once more evolved, I still work in my own Dunder Mifflin... mentally.  Heh.  Lots of great characters here... Ralphie May and others I have yet to name... stay tuned for a soon-to-come post  :)