Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Day in the Life

So, this is from yesterday.  I guess neither Darla nor I had much to do yesterday… of course, when we DO have a lot to do, we usually manage some conversation amidst and between what we’re working on.  This is just to show you the humor and banter we have at work.  It really does make for a nice workday most of the time!  J

So, yesterday morning:

Darla      i want to throw my computer out the window, into the street so it can be run over by a semi~
Me              ooh fun can I watch
Darla      ab~so~lute~ly
Darla      this thing is about to make me crazy
Darla      Jimbo

                   *the company’s head IT guy*

                   has been here 3 times, and I have had 4 netmeetings with people all over the world trying to fix the problem
Me              wow you're a go-getter!
Me              heh
Darla      quite
Me              mine was so slow this morning with all kinds of errors, I rebooted and that took in total about an HOUE
Me              HOEER
Me              HOUR
Darla      yerp
Darla      that too
Me              OWW-URR!!
Me              lol
Me              SPELLING is not working today...
Darla      thats actually a little slower than mine3
Me              wow

                   *Darla has this thing with her computer… or a twitch in her hand; I’m not sure… but she typos a “3” after many of her words.  Even words that end with letters nowhere near the “3” button.  Search me… but it does become humorous sometimes… heh…!!

Here was a moment of sheer amazement… remember Mack… I described him a few posts ago… Mr. Egomaniac…

Me              Mack just left and told me THANK YOU for something I did for him earlier
Me              excuse me real fast while I pass out and wake back up
Darla      well bless his heart
Darla      *fanning face*... 'NICOLE..... NICOOOOOOOLE... Wake up deary"
Me              ...huh?  Auntie Em??
Darla      "You and you,......and You were there"
Me              and YOU... and You..........
Me              NO SHEET I was just typing the same thing!!!
Me              too funny

…Love it when that kind of thing happens, ha!

Me              I'm so not kidding you what Jack just said
Me              "Is that a HOE-TELL or a TITTY BAR across the street from that place?"
Me              Steve:  "The titty bar's a little futher down"

                   *And  yes, he did say “FUTHER” – not further.  He’s a Cajun boy, what can I say.  J  Steve’s another really good guy who works here.  He’s cool.*

Me              I'm aghast.  Aghast, I tell you.
Darla      :O
Darla      ROFL
Darla      they sound like a hoot
Me              we should install an audio monitoring device here so you can get in on all this hilarity
Darla      oh man, i would love that

Darla      tell me to stop eating begneits
Darla      begniets
Me              stop eating begneits
Darla      whatever
Me              beignets LOL
Darla      yeah
Darla      thats it

…Darla and spelling are not the best of friends.  I’m anal about that sort of thing… and grammar… though I’m not perfect myself, but it really does drive me nuts when I see blatant disregard of rules and errors all over the place!  Ahem.  Anyway.  Sometimes I correct her, but that can get to be peevish… sometimes I ignore it; whatever… and sometimes I just make good ol’ fun of her.   *GRIN*

Darla      Ummmm, why did you send your peeps over here ????

                   *a couple of guys from this office showed up at her office, for a meeting or something*

Darla      I didnt request this
Me              so much for doing a surprise for you... *pout*

Darla      whatcha cooking tonight, im hungry3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      3
Darla      now,
Me              hang on
Darla      maybe that will get it out of the system for a minute

*see what I mean about the 3’s… hahaha*

Darla      anyway
Darla      whatcha cooooooookin'

*Darla loves to talk about food.  LOVES it.  I mean to tell you, she can go on and on… and on… about the food she loves, WHY she loves it, how she COOKS it… and often discusses meal plans for the upcoming evening.  YaTHINK??  Heh…*

Me              nothin probably
Darla      im probably makin spaghetti *kissing fingers* MWA
Me              my friend made some AWWWWWWEsome spaghetti the other night... WOW it was so good... she didn't use ground meat; another meat she cut into little pieces and THAT, my dear Watson, made all the difference in the worldo
Darla      what kinda meat?
Me              never asked
Darla      so it may have been ostrich
Darla      or possum
Me              wow I guess so; you never know...
Darla      but hey, i aint knockin
Me              or good old house rat meat
Darla      nottin like good ole rat meat to set the pace
Darla      its SMOKIN'
Me              Mais cher you sho is right!

                   *my inflection of Cajun-ness, ha… now here’s where it gets REALLY funny!*

Darla      *in a drew carey's Mask kinda way*
Me              ha you mean Jim Carrey??
Darla      OMG
Darla      i cant believe i did that
Darla      yes Jim Carrey
Me              nah that was actually pretty hilarious!
Darla      and i had his face in my mind and everything
Me              to picture Drew Carey doing a parody of Mask... hahaha
Darla      NOT
Darla      :))
Me              something along the lines of Chris Farley...
Darla      i loved chris farley
Darla      he was so funny
Darla      and over exited

                   *I think she meant “excited”…  And here is where, for awhile, we discussed the eternal bliss called Saturday Night Live!!*

Darla      "♪♫ Fat man in a li-ttle cooooaat "
Me              yes indeed  :)
Darla      lol
Darla      love me som farley
Me              favorite SNL people ever...
Me              Chris Farley
Me              Tina Fey
Me              Cheri Oteri
Me              that's it; that's my SNL Trinity
Darla      i like Tina Fey
Darla      i like Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, and the guy who played monkey boy, i forget his name
Me              Chris Cattan
Me              don't know how to spell it
Darla      WHAT ???
Me              ka-TAN
Darla      hold on let me check the moon for blood
Darla      nope
Me              *nodding and acting like things are proceeding as normal*

*I have no idea what in the world that meant.  I did not ask……*

Darla      u mean the mail man
Me              or the mailman or whoever that is who talks a lot
Darla      the ups man isnt old
Me              yeah LOL
Darla      he has the bushiest eyebrows and nosehairs i have ever seen on a person

*um, GROSS…*

Darla      he mentions his wife often, why doesnt she trim that $#!t
Darla      its like he has a bush growing out of his face
Me              *noting to self one more reason to be glad not to have a husband*
Darla      lol
Darla      i hear ya
Darla      i may enjoy it for a while
Darla      but its actually quite nice
Darla      you dont notice those kinds of things
Darla      i hope to fall head over heels again
Darla      but only if they are head over heels for me too

*she’s going through that divorce… it’s hard on her…*

Me              I'm sorry... I just have "fat guy in a little coat" stuck on rotation in my head now......
Darla      ROFL
Darla      i love it
Darla      your welcome :))

Darla      you know
Darla      its really gross to watch people exhale when smoking
Darla      especially when they are talking
Darla      eck
Me              And now it's time for... DEEP THOUGHTS by... Jack Handy
Darla      go 'head
Me              I was just doing that for your smoking comment LOL

…Here’s where I check to see if my office-mates were headed back over in this general direction yet.  It had been such a nice, quiet day!  J

Me              you still got my peeps?
Darla      as far as i know
Darla      they are in the driving training
Darla      which lasts about 3 hrs
Darla      they may not make it back today
Me              driver's ed for the company employee
Darla      cuz they havent done the driving yet3
Darla      yup

*here we go again on another tangent… this is funny…*

Me              I wonder if they get to watch a video with that 1960's narrator voice
Darla      oh
Darla      that
Darla      is
Darla      great
Darla      i watched an old video not too long ago
Darla      about  the most efficient kitchen
Darla      1958
Darla      and it was about a revolutionary future kitchen
Darla      complete with built in desk with phone
Darla      and a carving board near the sink
Darla      and storage for staples
Me              gee golly
Darla      like rice, potatoes, flour and sugar
Darla      but the thought of an electric garbage disposal wasnt in there
Darla      the scraps where dumped into a hole behind the sink and fell into an outdoor buck
Darla      bucket
Darla      where it could be fed to animals
Me              ha like an outhouse for food
Darla      yep
Me              wow that's instant recycling
Darla      it was quite entertaining to watch though
Darla      the lady was demonstrating the efficiency of having drawers under the counter for easy access when working at the counter
Me              did she have a smart waistline and high heels
Darla      and that the most comfortable working height for a counter was so and so inches from the ground
Darla      and she needed at least 48 square inches of space in order to make the proper breads and side dishes
Darla      why yes, yes she did
Darla      she was dressed for church
Me              LMAO
Darla      with no where to go,..... but the kitchen
Me              that is so funny

…Never a dull moment with Jack in the house!  Heh…

Me              hey
Me              either Jack is doing a bonanza of a job tapping his pen on his desk
Me              or he is playing ping pong alone
Darla      hey..
Darla      it could happen
Darla      HEY
Me              huh
Darla      Its not beer pong is it??
Darla      NO FAIR !!

*no drinking at work… but I don’t do well at work under the influence anyway… ask my friend Kathy, heh…*

Darla      I seriously need a haircut
Darla      i feel like Van Halen
Me              impressive yet scary.....
Darla      very
Darla      i tend  to get stares
Darla      dunno why

**OKAY I have to interject this from now, today… Jack just spouted off in the other room, “If you’da told me it was the WATER COMPANY, I woulda KNOWN!!  Those cheap SUNNAMABICHES don’t wanna pay for NOTHIN!!”  I have no idea what he was talking about, heh… that’s just Jack.  He does that.  Here he goes again… “PLENTYA people have told her that shit!  She’s a LYIN’ SUNNUVA BITCH!”  I don’t think it’s terrets… I think it’s more… that he just doesn’t care.

-Here goes our adventure into the
land of Sesame Street
... we do cover it all in our conversations... from ABC to 123...

Darla      i cant believe its only 2 oclock
Darla      *banging head on desk*
Me              hey remember that sesame street piano player guy... "I'll NEVER get it, NEVER NEVER NEVER!!!"
Darla      umm
Darla      im thinkin
Darla      was he blue?
Darla      with a bald head and mustache
Me              dont' remember
Me              I think he definitely had hair
Darla      was he a person or a puppet
Me              puppet
Darla      oh ok
Darla      OHHH
Darla      wait
Darla      yeah
Me              he would get frustrated trying to play the piano and bang his head on the keys
Darla      he was Yellow
Darla      and had a tall head
Darla      yeah
Me              yeah!
Darla      i remember
Darla      i loved the honkers
Darla      and the aliens
Me              yipyipyipyip BAA BAA
Darla      ROFL
Darla      and the two sleeping monsters
Darla      i loved them
Me              don't remember those
Me              weren't the aliens conjoined
Darla      the purple two headed monsters
Darla      no
Darla      they just had very baggy bodies
Darla      do you know
Darla      that when i mention them
Darla      very and i mean VERY
Darla      few people remember them
Darla      They were my fav
Me              I remember the purple two headed monsters
Darla      yep
Me              always tugging at each other
Darla      and
Darla      one would inhale snore
Darla      and the other would exhale snore
Darla      sesame street rocked
Darla      its changed
Darla      and snuffulufucas

*Snuffalupagus??  HA!!*

Darla      and telli
Me              I LOVED TELLY!!!
Darla      and SUPER grover
Me              YEP
Me              NEAR... ........far
Darla      i loved when he was a waiter and waited on the little blue puppet guy with the bald head and always got his order wrong
Me              and Gordon and Olivia and Maria... they're still on there aren't they... they're like eternal people or something
Darla      yeah, they must have found the fountain of youth, because they have to be at least 95
Darla      cuz they were in their 40's when i was a kid
Darla      and they havent aged much
Me              yeah I know!
Darla      Meeve is at my desk

*Meeve = Mack and Steve.  They go everywhere together… practically joined at the hip.  Well Mack is training Steve to take over for him when he retires.  (I KNOW!  He’s RETIRING!!! Hahaha)  Anyway, Darla and I have blended their names to make referring to them simpler, since they act as one unit anyway.)  J

Me              ooh
Me              Meeve
Darla      in his purple striped shirt
Me              Meeve is a they...
Darla      yeh
Darla      i know
Me              but I know which one you mean LOL
Darla      the eeve waked away
Darla      so im left with M
Darla      now hes throwing paper work at the driving systems guy
Darla      eeve is back
Darla      and walking out
Darla      there goes M
Me              LOL
Darla      and off they go
Me              where?  here?
Darla      yup
Me              well
Darla      i release your property
Me              at least I have a heads up
Me              and time to get dressed

*Just a joke.  I stay dressed at work.  All day long.*

Darla      lets time them

                   *meaning, time their drive from there to here, ha!*

Me              ok
Me              good ideaLOL
Me              I bet they take their time
Me              and
Darla      they just left
Me              I bet Mack walks in with a fountain drink in his hand
Me              he's a fountain drink addict
Darla      kk
Darla      cuz he didnt leave with one
Me              so my clock was at 2:35/2:36 when they left
Darla      yeah
Darla      thats it

*this is where I decide to rap a little...*

Me              his palms are sweaty
Me              knees weak arms are heavy
Me              there's vomit on his sweater already
Me              mom's spaghetti
Me              he's nervous
Me              but on the surface he looks calm and ready
Darla      puff puff pass dude !!
Me              eminem
Darla      oh
Darla      k
Darla      im dreaming of a land where  there are no enemies, the sun is always shining, the flowers are always blooming and fragrant, and gas is 1.29/gal.
Darla      and you can talk to m&m's
Me              cool maybe we can find it on Google maps
Darla      go for it

Darla      iz it fo turdy yet
Darla      and has Meeve made it
Me              somewhere it is
Me              and no

Me              I hear backing up beeps... I bet that's them
Me              Mack likes to park in Sam’s spot when hes not here
Darla      *crossing fingers*
Me              like sitting in daddy’s chair or somethin LOL
Darla      OH NO
Darla      u di~ in
Darla      lets see if he has a fountain drink
Me              nah that's Randy
Darla      *snap* darn
Darla      maybe they went to sea world
Darla      to see willy
Me              can't blame em... that sounds fun
Darla      yep it does
Darla      meanies
Darla      meanie weenies
Darla      oooh
Darla      do you remember eating beanie weenie
Darla      i used to love beanie weenie
Darla      i havent had that in sooooooo long
Darla      my daughter doesnt even know what it is
Darla      shed be like
Darla      beanie what?
Darla      plus shes allergic to beans
Darla      im rambling
Darla      stop me
Darla      PLEASE
Darla      where is the tazer
Me              you are quite amusing

*she really is… crazy, crazy tangents at random…*

Darla      why thank you
Darla      i like myself
Darla      but when i get bored
Darla      im dangerous
Darla      i need a night out with my friends like no body's biz
Darla      i want to get crazy
Darla      "rock the cradle of love"
Darla      no
Darla      i was wrong
Darla      "Girls ! Girls ! Girls!"
Darla      im mad
Darla      ive been trying to tell myself not to be
Darla      but im mad
Darla      i need to think about something else
Me              ok
Darla      revenge is NOT the answer
Darla      revenge is NOT the answer
Me              how about Kermit and Miss Piggy doing it
Darla      revenge would feel GREAT
Darla      OH GOD !!! IM BLIND!
Darla      Make it go away
Darla      !!!!!
Me              HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darla      wait, whos on top?
Me              kermie
Darla      you get it boy!
Me              hehe
Darla      ROFL
Darla      OMG, i laughed SOOOO hard.
Darla      my head hurts

Me              they might be here now...
Darla      *beep~beep~beep*
Me              Jack was outside and is talking to someone in the parking lot
Me              3:33
Me              yep
Me              striped shirt and all
Darla      so hes talkin Jack
Darla      yup
Darla      what about a beverage
Me              no beverage
Darla      so a little over an hour
Me              I know what's THAT all about
Darla      uh huh
Me              he killed Steve and had to hide the body
Me              I guess
Darla      is Steve not with him?
Darla      thats strange
Darla      they left together
Darla      should i put out an amber alert
Me              maybe Steve snuck past when I wasn't looking
Me              because his personal car is gone now
Darla      hmm
Darla      vedy intadesting

Darla      im getting my eyebrows done this wknd
Darla      cant wait
Darla      oscar the grouch needs donations
Me              how benevolent of you
Darla      ok, its not often that i see words that i have to look up
Darla      hold on
Me              LMAO
Darla      ok, just say Kind
Darla      or nice
Me              hey
Me              don't hate the smart
Darla      i dont
Darla      i do it to others

Darla      the old mail guy just came in
Darla      luckily he didnt stay long
Darla      but i forced the conversation to be short and sweet
Darla      but it looked like he may have trimmed his face
Darla      orphuses
Me              orifices?  LOL
Me              does he look like Drew Carey now? hahahaha
Darla      no
Darla      not even close
Darla      more like the "our house" guy
Me              the "diabeetus" guy?
Darla      yep
Darla      the diabeetus guy
Me              LOL
Me              love it
Darla      i dont know whos beatn him but
Me              pahaha
Darla      giv it away giv it away now

…And soon after that, the day was over and I went home.  Another tally mark on the cell wall.  Back again today, doin’ it all again!!  J