Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Buncha QUEERS..."

Just heard Jack fire off a phrase including those words... something about somebody making enough money that he ought to be able to keep a "bunch of queers" out of somewhere.  I am not offended... haha... rather, I am secretly revelling in the knowledge that I myself AM one of those aforementioned "queers"... right here in his very same office, undetected!!  BWAA HAA HA!!!

*laughing, shaking head sadly*

What a dildo.

Jack is the crazy guy who sits in the other room... I hear him all day if other people are in his part of the building... talking, loudly, ALL the time... occasionally letting out a loud belch... and saying stuff he thinks is witty and funny.  Don't get me wrong; I like the guy.  He's just honestly an ass.

When no one is in Jack's end of the building, all I hear is the occasional belch.

But hey, you know... at least he's not queer.  :)  He could very well soil our class and our good reputation!  *GRIN*

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