Tuesday, March 8, 2011

His Cheatin' Heart Told on Him

Darla.  My co-worker in the other office of this company, across town.  We instant message here and there most every day... I think of it as our virtual water cooler.

About 2 weekends ago, Darla's husband confessed to her an affair he'd had.  Well I don't know if it was an ongoing affair, or an isolated dip in the pool of infidelity... but she was - and is - crushed.  Crushed, I tell you... and I have been an off-and-on virtual ear for her sorrows.

Oh the UPS guy is here... he usually comes earlier.  Hmm.

Dropped off a big bundle-ish package today. Uniforms or work clothes of some sort, I suspect is what is in there.  I put it in Sam's office.

Sam is my boss.  He's a jolly fella.  However, he is not here at the moment.

Sam left earlier with Mack.  And I am calling Mack that name for a reason... he has a neck like John McCain... or a lack of neck... he's unique, that one.    Mack can be a total prick or amazingly nice... you just never know.  Thing is, I think HE thinks he is funny and oh-so-cool ALL the time.  So when he comes across as a prick, he might think he's being funny.

He wears me out and I'm glad when he's not here.

But, back to Darla.  She loves to tell stories... I could leave, walk to the store and back, and have 54 "page-down"'s worth of stuff to catch up on reading because she just keeps on talking... typing... you know what I mean.

Darla tells stories of when she was in high school... stories about her little girl who just turned 8... stories about how she met her husband and how romantic their teen love was... she writes line after line of song lyrics... quotations from movies she likes... you name it.

Right now I'm giving her advice on dealing with depression.  It is good advice a friend gave me once; I have done this and it helped tremendously.

Anybody interested, leave a comment and I'll fill you in!  :)

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