Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Turn the Page

So.  It’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here.  My friend Darla has been replaced.  Not sure why and it was very all-of-a-sudden… but at least I am still here.  That is definitely a relief.  I wish I could have been transferred to Darla’s position.  It pays a few dollars an hour more.  Eh, missed out on that one.  But anyway.  I am here, doing my do.

It’s not as much fun without Darla, though Jack continues to amuse me daily with his verbal outbursts and… belches… ha… I have actually begun texting Jackisms to a group of friends who get the biggest kick out of them.  One told me I should compile them all into a book.  Then I remembered this blog, and its purpose… to collect and reveal the inner working of this, my very own version of the Dunder Mifflin paper company.  And so here I am, back again.  J

Darla was replaced with a girl named Keisha.  Different personality and not quite as much fun, but then she is her own person and I need to give her credit for that.  Here is an exchange we had yesterday:

Keisha              What's going on? Is it slow over there today? Has it STOPPED raining? It was pouring over here in our part of town.
Nicole              It's rained a little.  We almost got washed away yesterday though haha
Keisha              Welll we got washed away today..
Nicole              Yeah not a lot going on right now
Keisha              It's pretty slow over here to. Don't you feel like going to sleep when it's slow like this. How do you stay up?
Nicole              sheer will power hahaha
Keisha              I am trying my hardest. But I notice people come & walk by to see what people is doing. LOL
Keisha              What's that? An entergy drink?

Last I checked, Entergy was a power company… eh… will let that one slide for now, heh…

Keisha              Girl, it's starting to pour down some more over here.
Keisha              No one is in your office? Because I don't want to be IM'ing you.

No worries.  Keep it minimized.  Sam’s chair squeaks when he gets up; the value of having an overweight boss is that you know when he’s about to enter the room and can take necessary protective precautions, haha…

Nicole              Sam is in his office burrowed down in something... and Jack is in his office, being loud and being... Jack... haha
Keisha              Laughing!!
Keisha              Who is Jack? He is NOT on the phone listing? What did Stacy tell you about that guy?

“That guy” is the other day when Jack went apeshit at me because the copier jammed.  Notice I did not say that *I* jammed the copier… no, no… it was a mimi-drama all its own and I had to run some hard miles after work that day to shake the stress and stomach acid with which the experience had gifted me… A day in the life, I suppose…

Nicole              JACK IS THE GUY!!! HAHAHA  Aw Stacy expressed compassion.  Ha - she knows him.  His box is missing a few crayons.  Bless his heart... heh...
Keisha              LAUGHING @ YOU. So what was her advise to you. Just keep doing your work...
Nicole              She was like, I'm so sorry, do you want me to talk to him about being more respectful to you?  But by that time my fellas over here had handled the situation for me.  :)  I was nervous about seeming... needy?? ... you know?  But they learned of the situation and took action right away.  Made me feel good  :)

They totally did, totally stepped in and quieted the beast.  Jack was called into the conference room.  Akin, I feel, to being called into the principal’s office.  Kudos to my Dunder Mifflin fellas hahaha

Keisha              GREAT! Because I know they want you there & you are a Good Worker but you have to be respected. So I'm Happy everything turned out for the better! Maybe he will stay in his office..LOL. Girl delete this IM, do NOT walk away from your computer screen without exiting out of this IM please..
Nicole  LOL you got it.  Shutting down now   :)

Which I did… but not after first executing a quick copy-and-paste hahahahaha

I’m BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!  *grin*

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