Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love Can Be So Nauseating... haha

Darla                just wanted you to know that i wont be seeing you at the safety meeting on thursday.  SLAM will be at this office and they want me here just in case
Nicole              ooooh you get to be in CHARGE!!  So they gonna assign you punishwork then like all the other no-shows?  LOL

…Anyone who misses a Safety Meeting has to fill out a fat packet of questionnaire paperwork.  I have come to call this “punishwork” like in elementary school… because that’s essentially what it is.  LOL

Darla                nope :)
Nicole              haha well you make the punishwork anyway  so it wouldn't matter
Darla                yup :)

…As admin at her office, the main office, Darla is responsible for compiling and sending out said punishwork packets to all offenders, company-wide………

Darla                have you been busy over there the last couple of days?
Darla                ive been buried 6 ft under
Darla                just when i start to come up for air, i get my head shoved back under
Darla                CRAZY i tell you..  K A H R A Z Y !!
Darla                and in all the stress today i placed an order for workpermits
Darla                            and all it said was qty 50 and knowing that 50 come in a book i ordered 100 books.  Well when the confirmation printed it said "carton"... meaning i ordered 100 friggin boxes of workpermits.  I called immediately and tried to cancel the order but they tell me there is still a slight chance it will come.  I sure the heck hope not.  I dont have room for 100 boxes of permits

…Yeah sometimes I just let her go on ranting for awhile… she doesn’t seem to mind, haha…

Nicole              too awesome.  we will get permission to do unlimited numbers of projects with that many forms.  Vee vill take OVAH THA WURRLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darla                they will look at me like im a retard if they come here with all that..
Darla                I called in 2 cancellations to try to double up
Nicole              when I said that, I was thinking of the little woman on the Incredibles...
Darla                cant dont not need no so many
Nicole              the one who made their costumes... 'member?
Darla                lol.. i remember
Nicole              ok
Nicole              yes then I hope they acknowledge your cancelness
Darla                so if 50 come in a box and i receive 100 boxes ....  thats 5000 permits.... um...  AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Nicole              yes yes... someone's typing fingers are bigger than their storage space...
Darla                we would be good til 2015
Nicole              fo shizzle
Darla                slade met rae

…Her previously-mentioned-new-boyfriend-even-though-she-is-technically-still-married… met her 8-year old daughter this past weekend.  J

Darla                saturday
Darla                and spent the last two days with us
Darla                well actually
Darla                friday, saturday, sunday, monday and this morning
Nicole              das fore daiz
Darla                yizzle manizzle
Nicole              tightly tape, said Jack.  tightly tape it

…Sometimes I just have to randomly insert off-the-wall stuff I hear Jack spewing out from down the hall… just can’t resist… haha……

Darla                spent friday with me, spent the night, stayed saturday, brought him home.  saw him sunday, spent the night, brought me to work yesterday and kept my car all day doing manly maintenance on it, and stayed last night and went home this morning.  I probably wont see him til this weekend
Darla                its getting pretty serious
Darla                PRETTY SERIOUS

…Ya think??  LOL

Nicole  ya think  LOL

…Like I said, ha!

Darla                nah
Darla                were just friends
Darla                lol
Darla                thats what we used to say back in the day anyway, when we denied it like stinkin skunks
Darla                neither of us could muddle up the courage to tell the other how we felt
Nicole              you said he freaked you out
Darla                for 5 long years
Darla                he did at first
Darla                really did
Darla                but the more i thought about it, i owed this to myself to see
Darla                and hes still in there
Darla                the guy i knew years ago
Nicole              no I mean in high school
Darla                his eyes and laugh and smile havent changed a bit

…OH FREAKIN’ BARF!!!!  But whatever… she’s happy… so I just let her go on and on.  That’s the good thing about instant messaging… you don’t have to pretend to be paying attention, ha… you can even minimize the conversation window and do something else, only popping in again every here and there to lend counterfeit affirmation to their rantings… ha ha ha…….

Darla                well
Darla                heres the thing
Darla                he did freak me out
Darla                he was very mature for his age
Darla                had lots of testosterone flowing through his pores

…PORES??  Oh good gravy…………

Nicole              you said he was funny lookin  LOL
Darla                and i was meek and shy and godly
Darla                Funny lookn?
Darla                i dont recall that
Darla                he was a nice looking guy
Darla                a VERY nice looking guy
Darla                had an 8 pack
Darla                was 175, 6ft tall
Darla                beautiful hair
Nicole              ok ok ok  LOL
Darla                but anyway
Darla                i didnt know how to take him back then
Darla                i absolutely loved his company and we were without a doubt best friends
Darla                but i didnt know how to be a girlfriend to him because he was already ready for the ultimate.
Darla                he says to this day, all he wanted was to love me and know i was his, and he would never have pushed himself on me
Darla                and would have waited 10 yrs if thats what it took because i was it for him
Darla                but then, all i saw was pecks and devonair smile that would melt steel
Darla                and didnt trust myself AT ALL
Nicole              haha
Darla                and was trying to uphold the "daddy's little girl" show
Darla                i knew i would be a gonner once i kissed him
Darla                and to this day, that still rings true3
Darla                im putty in that man's hands
Nicole              well shucky duck

…This is where Nicole has had just about enough of all this mushy fairy tale melodrama… ha ha…

Nicole              LOL
Darla                LMAO
Darla                u made me spit my drink

…And you made me lose my lunch…

Darla                Just got a call confirming the cancellation of the 5000000000000 work permits
Darla                YAY
Nicole              nice  LOL

And that was that for the day.  Good Lord.  I don’t even offer advice because #1, I have not been asked for advice.  #2, she most likely wouldn’t listen anyway because she’s so enraptured in glittery fluff over this guy.  And #3, what do I know about guys anyway… I’m a woman’s woman.  J

‘Nuf said.  Be back soon enough I’m sure!

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