Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Love Can Be So Nauseating... haha

Darla                just wanted you to know that i wont be seeing you at the safety meeting on thursday.  SLAM will be at this office and they want me here just in case
Nicole              ooooh you get to be in CHARGE!!  So they gonna assign you punishwork then like all the other no-shows?  LOL

…Anyone who misses a Safety Meeting has to fill out a fat packet of questionnaire paperwork.  I have come to call this “punishwork” like in elementary school… because that’s essentially what it is.  LOL

Darla                nope :)
Nicole              haha well you make the punishwork anyway  so it wouldn't matter
Darla                yup :)

…As admin at her office, the main office, Darla is responsible for compiling and sending out said punishwork packets to all offenders, company-wide………

Darla                have you been busy over there the last couple of days?
Darla                ive been buried 6 ft under
Darla                just when i start to come up for air, i get my head shoved back under
Darla                CRAZY i tell you..  K A H R A Z Y !!
Darla                and in all the stress today i placed an order for workpermits
Darla                            and all it said was qty 50 and knowing that 50 come in a book i ordered 100 books.  Well when the confirmation printed it said "carton"... meaning i ordered 100 friggin boxes of workpermits.  I called immediately and tried to cancel the order but they tell me there is still a slight chance it will come.  I sure the heck hope not.  I dont have room for 100 boxes of permits

…Yeah sometimes I just let her go on ranting for awhile… she doesn’t seem to mind, haha…

Nicole              too awesome.  we will get permission to do unlimited numbers of projects with that many forms.  Vee vill take OVAH THA WURRLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darla                they will look at me like im a retard if they come here with all that..
Darla                I called in 2 cancellations to try to double up
Nicole              when I said that, I was thinking of the little woman on the Incredibles...
Darla                cant dont not need no so many
Nicole              the one who made their costumes... 'member?
Darla                lol.. i remember
Nicole              ok
Nicole              yes then I hope they acknowledge your cancelness
Darla                so if 50 come in a box and i receive 100 boxes ....  thats 5000 permits.... um...  AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Nicole              yes yes... someone's typing fingers are bigger than their storage space...
Darla                we would be good til 2015
Nicole              fo shizzle
Darla                slade met rae

…Her previously-mentioned-new-boyfriend-even-though-she-is-technically-still-married… met her 8-year old daughter this past weekend.  J

Darla                saturday
Darla                and spent the last two days with us
Darla                well actually
Darla                friday, saturday, sunday, monday and this morning
Nicole              das fore daiz
Darla                yizzle manizzle
Nicole              tightly tape, said Jack.  tightly tape it

…Sometimes I just have to randomly insert off-the-wall stuff I hear Jack spewing out from down the hall… just can’t resist… haha……

Darla                spent friday with me, spent the night, stayed saturday, brought him home.  saw him sunday, spent the night, brought me to work yesterday and kept my car all day doing manly maintenance on it, and stayed last night and went home this morning.  I probably wont see him til this weekend
Darla                its getting pretty serious
Darla                PRETTY SERIOUS

…Ya think??  LOL

Nicole  ya think  LOL

…Like I said, ha!

Darla                nah
Darla                were just friends
Darla                lol
Darla                thats what we used to say back in the day anyway, when we denied it like stinkin skunks
Darla                neither of us could muddle up the courage to tell the other how we felt
Nicole              you said he freaked you out
Darla                for 5 long years
Darla                he did at first
Darla                really did
Darla                but the more i thought about it, i owed this to myself to see
Darla                and hes still in there
Darla                the guy i knew years ago
Nicole              no I mean in high school
Darla                his eyes and laugh and smile havent changed a bit

…OH FREAKIN’ BARF!!!!  But whatever… she’s happy… so I just let her go on and on.  That’s the good thing about instant messaging… you don’t have to pretend to be paying attention, ha… you can even minimize the conversation window and do something else, only popping in again every here and there to lend counterfeit affirmation to their rantings… ha ha ha…….

Darla                well
Darla                heres the thing
Darla                he did freak me out
Darla                he was very mature for his age
Darla                had lots of testosterone flowing through his pores

…PORES??  Oh good gravy…………

Nicole              you said he was funny lookin  LOL
Darla                and i was meek and shy and godly
Darla                Funny lookn?
Darla                i dont recall that
Darla                he was a nice looking guy
Darla                a VERY nice looking guy
Darla                had an 8 pack
Darla                was 175, 6ft tall
Darla                beautiful hair
Nicole              ok ok ok  LOL
Darla                but anyway
Darla                i didnt know how to take him back then
Darla                i absolutely loved his company and we were without a doubt best friends
Darla                but i didnt know how to be a girlfriend to him because he was already ready for the ultimate.
Darla                he says to this day, all he wanted was to love me and know i was his, and he would never have pushed himself on me
Darla                and would have waited 10 yrs if thats what it took because i was it for him
Darla                but then, all i saw was pecks and devonair smile that would melt steel
Darla                and didnt trust myself AT ALL
Nicole              haha
Darla                and was trying to uphold the "daddy's little girl" show
Darla                i knew i would be a gonner once i kissed him
Darla                and to this day, that still rings true3
Darla                im putty in that man's hands
Nicole              well shucky duck

…This is where Nicole has had just about enough of all this mushy fairy tale melodrama… ha ha…

Nicole              LOL
Darla                LMAO
Darla                u made me spit my drink

…And you made me lose my lunch…

Darla                Just got a call confirming the cancellation of the 5000000000000 work permits
Darla                YAY
Nicole              nice  LOL

And that was that for the day.  Good Lord.  I don’t even offer advice because #1, I have not been asked for advice.  #2, she most likely wouldn’t listen anyway because she’s so enraptured in glittery fluff over this guy.  And #3, what do I know about guys anyway… I’m a woman’s woman.  J

‘Nuf said.  Be back soon enough I’m sure!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Day With Darla

Darla           your buddy Mr. Sam just walked in like he owns the place :)
Nicole         just got here... ma bebeh kitteh is gittin him leg amp-a-tated...  :(
Darla           Oh NO
Darla           what happened?
Nicole        big nasty diagonal fracture... they think he must have gotten hung up in a tree or fence or something
Nicole        they COULD put a rod inside the marrow, etc... but that would cost oh $1500ish
Nicole        I love him but I can't do that

(My sweet Mr. Hippie...)

Nicole        I keep wondering why I hear my cat jingling when he is obviously not here... I have his collar in my pocket hahaha........
Darla           OH HA HA
Darla           thats funny
Nicole        I put your picture away... I wonder where you been...
Darla           i cant look at you while im lying ... next to him
Nicole        ahhh... Samtunes!  :)
Nicole        Sam-Jivin
Darla           we will be back right after these messages
Nicole        haha
Nicole        yes indeed.  now he's in there swooning to "I Am Beautiful" by Christina Ag.  :) :) :)
Nicole        WORDS CAN'T BRING ME DOWN...!!!
Darla           oh lord
Darla           sorry ive been “Lost, in eyes, and i feel... my spirits rise”
Darla           in your eyes
Darla           cant type today
Nicole        'sokay
Nicole        COME ON... I'm talking to you... COME ON
Nicole        LOL
Darla           HOLLA
Darla           SORRY WAS JAMMIN
Nicole        so is Sam LOL
Darla           bleeding love by leona lewis3
Nicole        Oh I LOVE that song
Darla           oh i keep bleeding Loooooove
Nicole        hell I bled all my love out...

(It's true... I did.  At least for a while, anyway....)

Nicole        not into the love thing anymore
Darla           i did at one time, now ive been revived and i have all new blood
Nicole        well... for a while at least  :)

(Like I said, haha...)

Darla           well, whats right for you is whats right for you
Nicole        *puts pinky to corner of mourh*  Hmm... yes... I suppose you are right.
Darla           lol
Darla           Yeah BABY ... YEHHEAH
Nicole        um... hon... um what are you doing?  LOL
Darla           having phone sex
Darla           jk
Nicole        ick
Darla           :)
Darla           i would never
Nicole        hur hur  LOL
Nicole        not at work anyway huh  haha
Darla           no... not anywhere
Darla           EVER
Nicole        k

("k" means... I don't believe her.  LOL)

Darla           just cant do that
Darla           but anywho
Nicole        mmm hmm

(same meaning...)

Darla           what Samtune is on now
Nicole        ok
Nicole        he actually turned it down for a phone convo
Nicole        ya know... gotta keep it cool and macho with his boyz on the phone LOL
Darla           oh darn
Darla           LOL
Darla           thats awsome
Darla           then he will crank up phil collins and do the macarena
Nicole        LMAO you got it!!
Nicole        hey how's the house search?

(She has to find a new house, something to do with her divorce.)

Darla           oh i didnt tell you
Darla           ive already found one
Nicole        last I heard you had a few you liked best
Darla           so many friends, so little time
Nicole        but no choice
Nicole        I know right
Darla           well the one i really wanted didnt work out
Darla           but the one i got is great, the only downer is that Rae will have to change schools next year

(Rae is her daughter)

Nicole        what grade next year...
Darla           3rd
Nicole        ah she'll be fine... from what you've told me, she has a real winner personality and will make tons of friends in like the first day
Nicole        and
Nicole        have a whole new set of teachers to pull the bathroom stunt on  LOL

(Rae got in trouble earlier this year for asking repeatedly to go to the bathroom and staying in there forEVER just playing around.  I have to respect that.  I never would've had the nerve to do that when I was in elementary school but you know she's just having a little fun.  More power to her!  *grin*)

Darla           yeah i know she will be fine, its just infamiliarity
Darla           she knows EVERYONE at Glenside
Darla           all the teachers adore her
Darla           LMAO
Darla           yep,, she will
Nicole        so is it Walker? Watson?  I can't remember
Darla           still watson... will be South Glenside
Darla           which is less than a mile away
Darla           from her current school
Nicol           how crazy is that
Darla           i know
Darla           shes litterally 100 yds over the district line
Nicole        tsk tsk
Darla           im thinking of getting a giant stretch machine and trying to stretch the ground so i can put the line in my front yard
Nicole        hell bring it to state congress... they're all about redistricting and redrawing lines these days

(Truly, Louisiana's state congress just went through this whole big redistricting ordeal.  Fewer people live here since Katrina.  And of course, no one is happy with the results of the new districting plan.  Of course.)

Darla           that could work
Darla           i could just say it would give more money to the rich and they would approve it immediately
Nicole        tell them you need them to earmark your daughter  haha
Darla           earmark?
Nicole        that's what they call it in congress when they set aside special money for a special project
Darla           OH..didnt know that
Nicole        that's what I'm for  :)
Nicole        to teach the un-taught
Darla           And so good at it you are my friend
Nicole        Jack quote of the day:  "East Feliciana... is known for the... number of ant mounds up there...."

(He really does just spout off random things like this throughout the day... interspersed with the belches... makes for an entertaining workday, I'll say...)

Darla           UH HUH
Darla           interesting
Darla           will note that right now
Darla           guess what?
Nicole        tell me
Darla           i have a date tonight...

(Oh yeah, she's already found a new boyfriend.  Astounding.  But hey... if she's happy, go for it, you know?)

Nicole        how shocking
Darla           even though we have seen each other several times, we have yet to go on a date
Nicole        well cool then!!
Darla           yup
Darla           its an official Date
Darla           though we kinda put the buggy before the horse
Darla           but oh well
Nicole        well downtown new orleans you can actually ride in a buggy PULLED by a horse... in the right order even
Nicole        just a thought to file away.......
Darla           yeah ive done that before..froze my ass off
Nicole        haha
Nicole        Don't wanna leave you really... I've invested too much time...
Nicole        WEEEEEEEEEE BELONG!!  We belong, we belong togeeetherrrrrrrr.......
Darla           i like that song

The end.  :)  Not much going on lately on the workfront... well other than... work.  LOL  Off tomorrow for Good Friday.  A long weekend will be NICE.  :)

Friday, April 8, 2011


So today Nicole had a text conversation with the recent ex and came away from that frustrated and fuming.  Hence this minor explosion... geeeeeez.........  So thankful for Darla who helped me up off the ground... virtually, anyhow...  :-)
Nicole                      RAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Nicole                      *ahem*  Needed to vent.  Thank you.
Darla                        your most welcome...but which song again?
Nicole                      you-make-me.... feel like I'm livin a teen-age-dream...
Nicole                      BARRRFFFFFF
Nicole                      LOL
Nicole                      I don't even know who sings it.  Some little chick way to prissy and cutesy
Darla                        ha ha ha   thats freakin funny
Nicole                      cheer me up please... I'm having a moment
Darla                        (moving things out of my way to prepare)
Darla                        ahem
Nicole                      LOL
Nicole                      see you already have me laughing
Darla                        HI, my name is .. huh? name is ..What?  My name is ..ticka ticka SLIM SHADY!
Nicole                      I need a pocket-sized you
Darla                        im working on the pumba project for humanity

Pumba is what Darla and I call this guy we both have to work with all the time... Pumba, she said, because it's like he... POUNCES on you.  Can be picky and/or irritable, however nice on the odd day.  Funny guy.
Darla                        i have made all necessary changes
Nicole                      (which are surely still not quite just right....)
Darla                        and am now printing out 50 wonderful copies of everything
Nicole                      haha
Darla                        never
Nicole                      lubbely
Darla                        NEVAH !!.
Nicole                      I need to order hole punched paper soon, come to think of it
Darla                        OMG..i have freakin but loads
Darla                        butt.
Nicole                      well thank you for your time.  don't wanna interrupt you too long. you rock
Darla                        kenishiwa hazzai
Darla                        sinka say
Nicole                      LOL  oboy you sound like a muslim extremist now... should I be afraid?
Darla                        BE VERY AFRAID...   Thank you for shopping at Quicky Mart
Nicole                      thank you and have a nice day.  Seacrest out.
Darla        lol


It is unusually quiet around here today.  Just me and Sam.  Not much goin' on.

OK so Sam just left.  In the words of my musical icon goddess, we are... "Down to One."

Steve was here earlier but he left... had to make a run to Lafayette.  Should be back after lunch.

When I was younger, I used to be scared of being left in an office alone.  Now, I don't so much care anymore.  Whatev.

Might miss a little work next week, depending... my grandfather is in the hospital and is only being given oxygen and pain medicine.  His kidneys have stopped working and his body is shutting down.  He's hangin' in there though... I love him so much.  He is a GOOD man.  A very good man.  Few men are as good as him... or as my perception of him... anyway... whenever he decides to let go, we will have the customary goings-on... funeral and etcetera... I love my PapPa but I hate funerals.  HATE the smell of funeral homes.  Anyway I might have to miss a little work.  But I've informed the ones around here who need to know, so when it happens, I'll just have to tell them.

I get paid today!   YAY!!  Goin' put down the rest of my deposit on my new place not far from here.  A new chapter in my life.  It's a teensy tiny place, but hell, it will be mine... mine and Luna's, and whatever cats we acquire... though I hope I'm not lonely.  Living with my friends now has been a wonderful transition for me from relationship-world to single-world... people to talk to and laugh with, the occasional hug... but me and Luna, we're tough girls.  And we will be just fine. :)