Friday, April 8, 2011


It is unusually quiet around here today.  Just me and Sam.  Not much goin' on.

OK so Sam just left.  In the words of my musical icon goddess, we are... "Down to One."

Steve was here earlier but he left... had to make a run to Lafayette.  Should be back after lunch.

When I was younger, I used to be scared of being left in an office alone.  Now, I don't so much care anymore.  Whatev.

Might miss a little work next week, depending... my grandfather is in the hospital and is only being given oxygen and pain medicine.  His kidneys have stopped working and his body is shutting down.  He's hangin' in there though... I love him so much.  He is a GOOD man.  A very good man.  Few men are as good as him... or as my perception of him... anyway... whenever he decides to let go, we will have the customary goings-on... funeral and etcetera... I love my PapPa but I hate funerals.  HATE the smell of funeral homes.  Anyway I might have to miss a little work.  But I've informed the ones around here who need to know, so when it happens, I'll just have to tell them.

I get paid today!   YAY!!  Goin' put down the rest of my deposit on my new place not far from here.  A new chapter in my life.  It's a teensy tiny place, but hell, it will be mine... mine and Luna's, and whatever cats we acquire... though I hope I'm not lonely.  Living with my friends now has been a wonderful transition for me from relationship-world to single-world... people to talk to and laugh with, the occasional hug... but me and Luna, we're tough girls.  And we will be just fine. :)

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