Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another Day With Darla

Darla           your buddy Mr. Sam just walked in like he owns the place :)
Nicole         just got here... ma bebeh kitteh is gittin him leg amp-a-tated...  :(
Darla           Oh NO
Darla           what happened?
Nicole        big nasty diagonal fracture... they think he must have gotten hung up in a tree or fence or something
Nicole        they COULD put a rod inside the marrow, etc... but that would cost oh $1500ish
Nicole        I love him but I can't do that

(My sweet Mr. Hippie...)

Nicole        I keep wondering why I hear my cat jingling when he is obviously not here... I have his collar in my pocket hahaha........
Darla           OH HA HA
Darla           thats funny
Nicole        I put your picture away... I wonder where you been...
Darla           i cant look at you while im lying ... next to him
Nicole        ahhh... Samtunes!  :)
Nicole        Sam-Jivin
Darla           we will be back right after these messages
Nicole        haha
Nicole        yes indeed.  now he's in there swooning to "I Am Beautiful" by Christina Ag.  :) :) :)
Nicole        WORDS CAN'T BRING ME DOWN...!!!
Darla           oh lord
Darla           sorry ive been “Lost, in eyes, and i feel... my spirits rise”
Darla           in your eyes
Darla           cant type today
Nicole        'sokay
Nicole        COME ON... I'm talking to you... COME ON
Nicole        LOL
Darla           HOLLA
Darla           SORRY WAS JAMMIN
Nicole        so is Sam LOL
Darla           bleeding love by leona lewis3
Nicole        Oh I LOVE that song
Darla           oh i keep bleeding Loooooove
Nicole        hell I bled all my love out...

(It's true... I did.  At least for a while, anyway....)

Nicole        not into the love thing anymore
Darla           i did at one time, now ive been revived and i have all new blood
Nicole        well... for a while at least  :)

(Like I said, haha...)

Darla           well, whats right for you is whats right for you
Nicole        *puts pinky to corner of mourh*  Hmm... yes... I suppose you are right.
Darla           lol
Darla           Yeah BABY ... YEHHEAH
Nicole        um... hon... um what are you doing?  LOL
Darla           having phone sex
Darla           jk
Nicole        ick
Darla           :)
Darla           i would never
Nicole        hur hur  LOL
Nicole        not at work anyway huh  haha
Darla           no... not anywhere
Darla           EVER
Nicole        k

("k" means... I don't believe her.  LOL)

Darla           just cant do that
Darla           but anywho
Nicole        mmm hmm

(same meaning...)

Darla           what Samtune is on now
Nicole        ok
Nicole        he actually turned it down for a phone convo
Nicole        ya know... gotta keep it cool and macho with his boyz on the phone LOL
Darla           oh darn
Darla           LOL
Darla           thats awsome
Darla           then he will crank up phil collins and do the macarena
Nicole        LMAO you got it!!
Nicole        hey how's the house search?

(She has to find a new house, something to do with her divorce.)

Darla           oh i didnt tell you
Darla           ive already found one
Nicole        last I heard you had a few you liked best
Darla           so many friends, so little time
Nicole        but no choice
Nicole        I know right
Darla           well the one i really wanted didnt work out
Darla           but the one i got is great, the only downer is that Rae will have to change schools next year

(Rae is her daughter)

Nicole        what grade next year...
Darla           3rd
Nicole        ah she'll be fine... from what you've told me, she has a real winner personality and will make tons of friends in like the first day
Nicole        and
Nicole        have a whole new set of teachers to pull the bathroom stunt on  LOL

(Rae got in trouble earlier this year for asking repeatedly to go to the bathroom and staying in there forEVER just playing around.  I have to respect that.  I never would've had the nerve to do that when I was in elementary school but you know she's just having a little fun.  More power to her!  *grin*)

Darla           yeah i know she will be fine, its just infamiliarity
Darla           she knows EVERYONE at Glenside
Darla           all the teachers adore her
Darla           LMAO
Darla           yep,, she will
Nicole        so is it Walker? Watson?  I can't remember
Darla           still watson... will be South Glenside
Darla           which is less than a mile away
Darla           from her current school
Nicol           how crazy is that
Darla           i know
Darla           shes litterally 100 yds over the district line
Nicole        tsk tsk
Darla           im thinking of getting a giant stretch machine and trying to stretch the ground so i can put the line in my front yard
Nicole        hell bring it to state congress... they're all about redistricting and redrawing lines these days

(Truly, Louisiana's state congress just went through this whole big redistricting ordeal.  Fewer people live here since Katrina.  And of course, no one is happy with the results of the new districting plan.  Of course.)

Darla           that could work
Darla           i could just say it would give more money to the rich and they would approve it immediately
Nicole        tell them you need them to earmark your daughter  haha
Darla           earmark?
Nicole        that's what they call it in congress when they set aside special money for a special project
Darla           OH..didnt know that
Nicole        that's what I'm for  :)
Nicole        to teach the un-taught
Darla           And so good at it you are my friend
Nicole        Jack quote of the day:  "East Feliciana... is known for the... number of ant mounds up there...."

(He really does just spout off random things like this throughout the day... interspersed with the belches... makes for an entertaining workday, I'll say...)

Darla           UH HUH
Darla           interesting
Darla           will note that right now
Darla           guess what?
Nicole        tell me
Darla           i have a date tonight...

(Oh yeah, she's already found a new boyfriend.  Astounding.  But hey... if she's happy, go for it, you know?)

Nicole        how shocking
Darla           even though we have seen each other several times, we have yet to go on a date
Nicole        well cool then!!
Darla           yup
Darla           its an official Date
Darla           though we kinda put the buggy before the horse
Darla           but oh well
Nicole        well downtown new orleans you can actually ride in a buggy PULLED by a horse... in the right order even
Nicole        just a thought to file away.......
Darla           yeah ive done that before..froze my ass off
Nicole        haha
Nicole        Don't wanna leave you really... I've invested too much time...
Nicole        WEEEEEEEEEE BELONG!!  We belong, we belong togeeetherrrrrrrr.......
Darla           i like that song

The end.  :)  Not much going on lately on the workfront... well other than... work.  LOL  Off tomorrow for Good Friday.  A long weekend will be NICE.  :)

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